
I must admit that don’t really see the problem with so-called Hyperlexia. As already mentioned, it is very common for Aspies to be fascinated with words and many start reading long before they start school. If one starts very early, it is only natural that most effort first goes into the decoding while the actual content can be focused on later. How can it be a disorder to start reading early?? Isn’t it rather a sign of being gifted? Some say, “But these kids behave oddly, are sensory hypersensitive, stim, and don’t learn social codes like other children.” Well, of course – they are probably little Asplings! Such behaviour is perfectly normal for ASD children and nothing to be alarmed over.

In a poll among Swedish adult Aspies with normal or above normal IQ, over 50% learned reading before they started school.

I guess I was around four when I learned reading. One day I decided to learn and so I did. (But I think I already knew how since my parents would read to me every night and sometimes tricked me by reading the wrong word, which meant I protested.)

– carl, Aspie from Sweden

“I learned reading and writing before I started school. I also knew English before my peers and did very well. I’ve always gotten praise for that, and even today (forums, chatter etc). I watched TV a lot as a kid. I think a lot in English. You know, as when you’re holding little lectures in your head, then I use English a lot. I reason better in English. I understand advanced English better than advanced Swedish.”

– ‘earlydayminer’, male Aspie from Sweden

“I learned reading before school, even before kindergarten (as it was called then) writing I was not as good at I think. I read books for 5th-6th grade when I was in first grade.”

– ‘Ayhanza’, female Aspie from Sweden

“I learned to read when I was c. 4 1/2. Supposedly, one of the teachers at the daycare center left her calendar to me during morning gathering and said for fun: “You read!” Upon which i started reading: “Today we will talk about…”

The other teachers thought it was a joke and later one of them took me to the reading alcove, gave me a book and said “Read to me” “It was a dark, horrible moore…,” I read loud and clear (this I remember).

“You DO know how to read!” the teacher said.

“Yes…?” I said and felt proud.

“Did you know she can read!” they said excitedly when mom came to get me. But my parents knew and didn’t think it was anything to make a fuss about.

Before I started school I knew basic calculation. I knew all the planets in the solar system and knew the capitals of most European countries. But I could not peel a potato, tie my shoelaces or swim. I was late on motor skills.”

– ‘Kahlokatt’, female Aspie from Sweden

“I learned reading when I was 4. Comic books to start with… (…) Oldest daughter is 5 and can read, but they’re still making clay letters in kindergarten… which she has very little interest in and prefers to write on the staff computer.”

– ‘jorand’, Aspie father and scientist from Sweden


  1. doublejointedbackflip2C7 said,

    I knew how to read, write, do basic math, my letters, and my numbers before I started Pre-K. I learned how to do this when I was about 12-24 months.

    My mom started me early.

  2. daphnewhite said,

    I didn’t know I was an Aspie until just recently, so I was confused and upset when my first son couldn’t read fluently as I had done when he turned 4 years old. My husband had to convince me that most kids don’t read fluently at 4. Looking back, I remember a very early elementary school standardized reading test placing my reading at post-collegiate level. Why did no one find that abnormal??

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